Chords for All to Jesus I Surrender


D       G     A       Bm
All to Jesus I surrender,
G       Em    A       D
All to Him I freely give;
D      G    A           Bm
I will ever love and trust Him,
G        Em         A     D
In His presence daily live. 
    D               G
    I surrender all,
   A               D    F#
   I surrender all.
    D      F#m            Bm  A
   All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
   G     A       D
   I surrender all. 
D       G     A         Bm
All to Jesus I surrender,
G         Em        A       D
Humbly at His feet I bow,
D           G            A          Bm
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
 G            Em      A            D
Take me, Jesus, take me now. 
D       G     A          Bm
All to Jesus I surrender,
G               Em       A         D
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
 D        G            A        Bm
Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit,
 G          Em        A             D
Truly know that Thou art mine. 
D       G     A          Bm
All to Jesus I surrender,
G           Em      A      D
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
D         G           A            Bm
Fill me with Thy love and power,
G            Em       A      D
Let Thy blessing fall on me. 
D        G     A         Bm
All to Jesus I surrender,
G         Em       A           D
Now I feel the sacred flame.
D         G         A          Em
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
 G        Em    A         D
Glory, glory to His name! 

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